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Living Your Dream Life
Video Course

by Dr. Joe Rubino



Are You Ready to Learn the Step-by-Step Secrets to Manifesting Your Best Life?


And Get It All For 96% Off Today!


Far too many people go through life resigned to settling for less than they want because they don't know exactly how to create the life of their dreams.

They play small, struggle financially and in their relationships, never truly finding fulfillment.

They tend to react emotionally to life's challenges with anger, sadness, fear, anxiety or other reactive behaviors that sabotage their happiness, prosperity, relationships, personal power and effectiveness in the world.

The good news is that struggle and suffering is totally optional if you know and live the foundational principles that make life a joyful, passionate and exciting adventure!



Video Course
with Written Transcripts and Action Steps
by Dr. Joe Rubino


Discover the previously hidden "distinctions" that will support you to transition from wherever you are now to a life marked by:

  • Overflowing Abundance
  • Profound Satisfaction that Results from Following Your Intuition
  • Surrounding Yourself with Rich, Loving Relationships
  • Fulfilling Work that You Love and Are Energized By
  • Having Peace of Mind and Being Free of Regrets
  • Endless Fun and the Daily Pursuit of Your Passions
  • Vigorous Health and Satisfaction in Your Appearance
  • A Rewarding Spiritual Life
  • A Commitment to Personal Development, Ongoing Reinvention, and Transformation
  • Living Your Life Purpose
  • Manifesting your Dream Vision with Velocity!


Meet Dr. Joe Rubino

He is acknowledged as one of the world's foremost experts on the topic of elevating self-esteem. He is a life-changing personal development and success coach on how to restore self-esteem, achieve business success, maximize joy and fulfillment in life and sky-rocket productivity. He is known for his groundbreaking work in personal and leadership development, building effective teams, enhancing listening and communication skills, life and business coaching and optimal life planning. His company certifies teachers in life optimization coaching, self-esteem elevation coaching for children and adults, relationship skills coaching, self-confidence coaching, business coaching and abundance coaching. He is acknowledged worldwide for his personal mentoring program for which Success Magazine featured him on their cover and in their cover story.

His 12 best-selling books and audio programs are available in 25 languages and in 58 countries.

Dr. Joe's vision is to impact the lives of at least 20 million children and 20 million adults.


Dr. Joe Rubino
CEO of CenterForPersonalReinvention.com

"Your course provided the key to the door through which lies the greatest opportunity in my life, that of empowering others with the means to achieve their desires. I cannot stress the value, nor recommend it higher."

Vero Beach, FL

"Our experience of life is consistent with the pictures we hold and the interpretations we create about life's events. Your life can either be an uphill struggle that looks like something you have to survive or it can be a daring and successful adventure played full out in partnership with others. The measure of true success in life is when you enjoy the process."

Dr. Joe Rubino

Transform your life with the...


Video Course
with Written Transcripts and Action Steps
by Dr. Joe Rubino


It's as easy as 1, 2, 3!

If you are ready to manifest your best life in only 19 days, simply...

  1. Watch 1 Video Module per day
  2. Read the transcript and take notes
  3. Do the Action Steps that will allow you to experience the success principle discussed in your life so that you acquire the "distinction."

This life-impacting course will assist you to identify what's most important to you, what you are willing to commit to and accomplish, and what will empower you to achieve and enhance the quality of your life experience.

You will discover the secrets to becoming the qualities that will support you to live your best life.

We invite you to...

  • Learn the foundational principles that will transform your life
  • Manage your emotionally reactive states so as to live deliberately
  • Do the exercises that will support you to incorporate the principles that will make a huge difference in manifesting your dream vision


Here are some of the Core Benefits you're about to experience upon learning and implementing Dr. Joe Rubino's teachings...

You'll be able to:

  • Learn the Secrets to Living Deliberately and in Alignment with Your Vision
  • Heal and complete with your past
  • Dramatically reduce stress and eliminate worry from your daily life
  • Live with significantly less frustration and fewer relationship challenges
  • Live more confidently and without nagging fears
  • Discover the secret to living an upset-free life
  • Better cope with any problems and challenges you may encounter in life
  • Feel more relaxed while being much more effective with others
  • Experience greater joy and less anger or sadness
  • Experience a newfound sense of pride and satisfaction
  • Let go of what's holding you back
  • Manage the negative self-talk that paralyzes you or keeps you struggling and suffering
  • Develop the lifestyle you've always dreamed of
  • Achieve much more, much faster than you've ever done before
  • Exit the downward spiral of struggle, upsets, and disappointments
  • Interact with others in a much more productive manner
  • Allow yourself to love and receive love more readily than ever before
  • Learn how to transform daily problems into cherished breakthroughs and gifts
  • Learn how to discover and live your life purpose and dream vision
  • Discover the secrets to taking effective action and accomplishing your goals on purpose

Plus much, much more!

Watch this short sample video now...



"I learned how to use my abilities to support myself and others, how to deal with stops and upsets, how to put together a plan for success and how to be myself! Wow, these words are so inadequate to express what I discovered and how I feel about this course. Please, please, please, do yourself and everyone in your life a favor and take this course."

Westerville, OH

"What an incredible gift to me. I have been transformed and you have allowed me to unleash a power that I always knew was there. Thank you for allowing me to create a life that will make a difference in the lives of others. You have given me a gift that is beyond explanation."

San Diego, CA


Course Curriculum:
19 Powerful Video Lesson Modules
filmed in beautiful Red Rock Canyon Nevada
PLUS 19 written transcripts
of each video for those who either wish to read or to make note taking easy
PLUS 19 Daily Action Step Exercises
to support your learning experience and personal power!

Lesson 1) Creating Your Dream Life Deliberately. Learn the secrets to stepping into your personal power and acting from intention to manifest your dream life on purpose.

Lesson 2) The Paradigm of Perfection and How We Don't Measure Up. Discover the reasons you have invalidated yourself, played small and resigned yourself to settling for far less than you deserve.

Lesson 3) Transform Your Self-Talk from Negative to Positive. Recognize that small nagging voice - that is NOT your intuition- and manage it effectively to empower your life.

Lesson 4) Our Emotional Reactive Moods. Identify the emotional reactive moods that run your life, keep you on edge, keep you in conflict with others and prevent you from reaching your potential.

Lesson 5) The Gift of Problems. Learn how to identify the gifts that come disguised as problems and challenges, declare them, welcome them and embrace them to uncover the breakthroughs that await your magnificent growth.

Lesson 6) Payoffs for Keeping Our Moods in Place. Learn the reasons why we tend to gravitate towards our predominate moods of anger, sadness or fear and how to make choices that are mood-free to propel your life forward.

Lesson 7) The Vicious Cycle. Discover how doing what you've always done will continue to get you what you've always got and learn how to create new empowered interpretations to exit your drama cycle and support your happiness, relationships, charisma and personal power.

Lesson 8) Qualities to Manifest Your Dream Life. Decide to begin living from a declaration that encompasses the qualities you wish to be known for that will support your dreams and relationships.

Lesson 9) Doing a Proper Assessment of Our Present Day Life. Do a thorough inventory to identify the qualities and characteristics that keep you small, stuck, and suffering while taking on the new qualities that will empower your life.

Lesson 10) Managing Incompletions and Taking Inventory. Every place you find yourself suffering, stressed out or living regretfully is an area that demands completion and healing. Learn how to put these issues in your past for good as you redesign your life.

Lesson 11) Evaluating Qualities that Work and Don't Work Presently. Living deliberately means identifying what works about who you are, how you think, and how you relate... and what does not work. The first step in taking a new path is identifying which path to take.

Lesson 12) Putting a Structure in Place to Live Deliberately. Structures support personal reinvention and accomplishment. Discover which will enable you to redesign your life to live in alignment with the person you have decided to become.

Lesson 13) Designing Your Future in Choice and Living Your Life Purpose. We all have a life purpose and we are either living it or we are not. Learn how to identify and declare what your life purpose is so that you can begin the process of following your path of heart.

Lesson 14) How to Create a Compelling Vision for Your Life. We all have a vision for our lives. Look around you and know that EVERYTHING you have manifested in your life is consistent with your vision for your life. Notice too how this usually is NOT the vision that you want in so many ways. Learn to create a NEW empowered vision that will transform your life in every way that is meaningful to you.

Lesson 15) How to Manifest Your Vision by Setting Powerful Goals. When your goals align with your vision and support your life purpose you are empowered to realize them. Learn the characteristics of effective and empowering goals.

Lesson 16) Creating an Action Plan to Realize Your Goals. Goals without focused actions to realize them are not goals but self-delusions. Match your actions to your intentions and watch your goals become your reality.

Lesson 17) Embracing Personal Development. The secret to learning, growing and expanding to be the best you can be starts with embracing the process of personal development on a daily basis. Become a student of life, understanding yourself and others, and watch your life transform into a most interesting dynamic adventure.

Lesson 18) Acknowledging Accomplishments. We are so good at finding our own flaws and those of others. Watch your life transform by looking for the gold instead of the dirt!

Lesson 19) Taking Responsibility for Everything in Life. An empowered person holds it that everything that manifests in his/her life is the result of them creating it in one way or another. This is not responsibility as burden or fault but as an empowered place to come from to seek out new and exciting possibilities to make life a grand adventure for those who play the 'master game'.



This high quality, transformational course contains much of the material that is offered by The Center for Personal Reinvention's 1-Year Coaching Program costing $9500. In fact, the "Living Your Dream Life" Program originally sold for $997!

...BUT you won't pay $9500 or even $997 to experience this life-changing program.

For a limited time, we are offering this transformational, wisdom-filled professionally filmed video course for only...


A One-Time Payment of $39!


And Get It All For 96% Off Today!



Make the decision to learn the secrets to manifesting your very best, most abundant, happiest life...

To Your Best Life,



Dr. Joe Rubino

PS: There is no better investment you can make than in personal development!

I promise you that if you study the life-changing principles I present in this course and implement them into your life... you will possess the transformational tools essential for living your best life!



And Get It All For 96% Off Today!




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